Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Politics: General Activism

Sagacious Quotes That Tell America's Story in Satire

A sagacious person is wise and insightful, and has the ability to make good decisions.  They are often described as having keen judgment and discernment.

"Satire" promotes the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidities or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

When you combine a sagacious person with his or her ability to create satire, it's a sobering combination of truths that everyone understands, but those truths are kept below the surface.  Sometimes they erupt or smolder or simmer. But they are there!

Here's one:  Somalian immigrant U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who forged her immigration papers, married her brother to get him papers to enter the USA, and broke numerous immigration laws—enjoys a seat in America's Congress. But she wasn't elected by any Americans.  She was elected by 125,000 Somalian immigrants that Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama dropped onto Minneapolis, Minnesota.  We know where Omar came from, but we still don't know where Obama came from because his Social Security number begins with 042, which originated in Connecticut, a place he never visited or lived.  And yet, the mainstream media covers it up!

Here's another: How did 125,000 illiterate Somalian immigrants in Minneapolis, Minnesota outsmart American Electronic Benefit Transfer cards officials by stealing $200,000,000.00 (million) in cash from those cards?  Inquiring minds want to know.  A whole lot of us taxpayers would like to know how they did it, too.  Not one single Somalian fraudster was convicted because Minnesota's Governor Walz didn't want to appear "racist", so he didn't prosecute anyone.

Here's one:  "Social Security wasn't drying up, government officials were/are stealing it."  If not for Elon Musk, we might never know how corrupt those government officials handling our money have become.

This one's brutal: Here's a satire on the three lesbian women promoted to fire chiefs in California through D.E.I., but didn't have the brains or foresight to prevent those wildfires from destroying billions in property.  But each was paid an annual salary of over $400,000.00. Incompetence can be costly, to you, the taxpayer.  Please God, deliver us from D.E.I.

Here's one piece of satire from North Carolina:  Islamic Sharia Law has been banned in the Tar Heel State as it is criminal and in violation of our Constitutional Laws. As it should be!  We do not support honor killings of women and/or female genital mutilation of little girls.  Muslims can take their culture back to the desert sands of the Middle East.  Note that the United Nations reported that 20,000 Islamic women lose their lives to honor killings annually. Most little girls suffer FGM in Islamic countries.  It's now in America with our Muslim population.  You can take the person out of the culture, but you can't the culture out of the person.  An average of 25 women suffer honor killings in the USA annually according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Here's one: Wuhan China's bioweapons scientist blows the whistle: Covid was engineered to depopulate humans off this planet.

This one mystifies:  Why are all the liars, cheats and thieves in Washington DC fighting in favor of U.S. AID's gross corruption of sending billions of dollars to foreign countries for absurd pet projects such as $20 million to promote Sesame Street cartoons to give women equal footing in a Muslim country, when in fact, Islamic men devalue women to 1/2 that of a man?  Who in U.S. AID thought they could change that 6th century barbaric religion that cut's women's heads off if they speak up?  There must be a cartoon for that one!

Love this cartoon:  Four democrat donkeys are standing in front of a picture in the middle of the woods.  In the center of that picture in the wilderness of thick green trees is a blank spot…it reads, "You are here."  One of the donkeys said, "Anyone got a compass?"   It shows how lost the democrats have become in America after they got trounced in the last election. Maybe Kamala Harris could wade into the wilderness with a compass to guide them out. But, of course, she can't read a compass.  But she can toss a "word salad" in front of the cameras.

This was on YouTube:  An Islamic scholar in the UK has clear ideas: "Impose British values on Muslims? No, we don't like your culture or democracy. Islam is better and we want Sharia law. We only believe in Allah!"  The same holds true for Muslims in America.  They hate Constitutional Law because it gives equal rights to women, children and animals.

This satire can't be beat:  "Instead of watching the Super Bowl, I'd rather watch four hours of Tom Homan deporting illegal aliens."  With more than 20 to 25 million of illegal aliens now housed in America, that's going to be quite a show.  The numbers make you numb because you're paying the price for the 12 million that were reported by the Legacy Media for the past 20 years, and the 12 to 15 million invited into our country by Joe Biden or was it his wife Jill?  We'll never know.  Go Tom Homan!

You can't stop laughing on this one:  Comedian Will Ferrell, sitting behind a TV desk, is reporting the news, "This just in…Closing our border is reported to be causing mass shortages of lethal drugs, rapists, killers and new Democrat voters."   It's not so funny if you're the parents and friends of Laken Riley.

This one from Baron Trump: "The richest man (Musk) in the world is working for free to stop your government bureaucracy from robbing you blind.  Instead of complaining, why not sit down and say, 'Thank you.'"

This one digs deep:  Only in America can one ethnic group have Black Awareness Month, All Black Only TV, Black Holidays, Black Only Colleges, Miss Black America, Black only dating sites, Black only bars and clubs—-but turn around and call the rest of the country "racists." That would be Whoopi Goldberg!  Ironically, Black Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world, best educational opportunities, most millionaires and billionaires, dominate colleges and professional sports, get paid enormous salaries on TV, movies and sports—while their brothers and sisters in Africa are starving to death, dying of AIDS, being raped, and don't have running water or toilets, and suffer hopelessness from their conditions.

Love this one by a fellow journalist Tom DeWeese, "To believe that all is doomed is to say that the ideas of Adams, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Madison aren't strong enough to stand up to the delusional ravings of Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, and the tyrants at the United Nations."   

Let's get down to Brass Tacks:

It matters little if you are Black, White, Brown, Yellow, bi-racial, gay or straight, smart or stupid, educated or uneducated, male or female, liberal or conservative, independent or you don't care—-you are one lucky human being to be living in the United States of America.


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