US Troops Are on the Ground in Yemen for al-Qaeda Offensive
• AntiWar.com by Jason DitzUS Troops Are on the Ground in Yemen for al-Qaeda Offensive
US Troops Are on the Ground in Yemen for al-Qaeda Offensive
Yemen - After visiting the war-torn country, assessing dire conditions firsthand, UNICEF, World Food Program and World Health Organization executive directors issued a joint statement.
This southwestern Yemeni city has been battered for more than two years of urban battles.
Yemen - Multiple plagues of Job ravage millions of Yemenis, including devastating US-planned and orchestrated war, famine, and untreated diseases, including an out-of-control cholera epidemic.
Congress Sees Need for More Oversight of Clandestine Operations
Pentagon Claims Seven 'al-Qaeda Militants' Killed in Attack
Venezuela and Yemen were both once very prosperous nations, but now parents are literally watching their children starve to death as the economies of both nations continue to utterly collapse.
Donald Trump's administration is trying to close the book on its first major military operation -- a botched Navy SEAL raid in Yemen that turned into a village-wide massacre, killing as many as 25 people, including 10 children. But the ACLU, which
At least 9.6 million children, which amounts to 80% of all Yemeni children, are in need of humanitarian assistance. "Nearly 2.2 million children are acutely malnourished and require urgent care.
Yemen - On May 2, the UK Independent headlined "Al-Qaeda claims it is 'fighting alongside' US-backed coalition forces in Yemen," saying:Its leader in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Qasim al-Rimi "said his fighters have worked with government-allied fac
Martha Hennessy (Peace Activist fasting for Yemen in front of United Nations) talks about the injustice there - Karen Kwiatkowski (Retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel) on Trump/Syria/Russia/China/N Korea - Francis Boyle (Professor Int'l Law Uni
A warplane firing missiles. A gunman taking aim. A map of Yemen dripping with blood.
Navy SEALs attempted to conduct another raid inside Yemen earlier this month but aborted the mission at the last minute, according to a senior U.S. military official.
The Pentagon's top Middle East commander told Congress on Thursday that he found no signs of "poor decision-making or bad judgment" in a January raid in Yemen that killed 10 children and at least six women, as well as Navy SEAL William "Ryan
Women and Children in Yemeni Village Recall Horror of Trump's "Highly Successful" SEAL Raid
Last week's raid was an embarrassing and costly failure--in the context of a much larger one.
Yemen -- A top Yemeni investigative journalist who died under dubious circumstances -- while investigating corruption by oil companies -- was poisoned, an autopsy now reveals.
The Trump administration is considering even deeper involvement in the indefensible war on Yemen: